Association Reg. Address: 96 Whites Road, Warrnambool. 3280


Secretary: Phone 0419 135 619

Application For GROUP Membership

Eligibility:  A Victorian community-based ratepayers’ or residents’ group which operates within its related local geographical area and whose philosophy, objectives and purposes are sympathetic and compatible with the Association’s Purposes may apply to become a Group member of the Association.  

Optional: A registered Group or Substitute Delegate may request their personal phone and email details not be made available during other members’ inspection of the Register of Members. Other circumstances may also require added restrictions. In either case, please contact the Secretary (

Requirements To Be Met For Group Membership

The Association’s Rules require that:

  1. A Group member must:
  2. have a registered Group Delegate in order to exercise its rights to attend and vote at general meetings; and
  3. delegate its attendance and voting rights to a registered Group Delegate using an Association Delegate Form which must be registered with the Association.
  4. A registered Group Delegate (and Substitute Group Delegate, if any) must be over the age of 18, a financial member of the Group’s committee and endorsed by that committee.
  5. An application for Group membership must be accompanied by a copy of the Group’s purposes.


Payment Of Membership Subscription Fee (The Association’s financial year is 1st July to 30th June)

  • Cheques:  Please make payable to Victorian Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc.  
  • EFT:  Please transfer to Victorian Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc, Commonwealth Bank, BSB No.063-533 Account No.10942224  (please include your name).

Please ensure you forward completed Delegate Forms, and a copy of your Group’s purposes, to the Secretary, Victorian Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc. to enable your membership application to be addressed.   

                          Email to:

                          Post to: 96 Whites Rd, Warrnambool. 3280 


Victorian Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc – Purposes

  • To provide a non-sectarian and non-party-political forum through which financial Association members, through the Association’s elected Committee of Management, may advocate for and act to promote and safeguard the broad community interests of ratepayers in the state of Victoria.
  • To function as a State-level network co-ordinating and consolidating communications and representation for metropolitan, regional and rural Association members and broader ratepayer interests in Victoria.
  • To function as an educational body to disseminate and exchange with Association members and others information on issues, processes, policies, projects, performance and the like that relate to government operations affecting ratepayers in Victoria.
  • To advocate for and represent members’ views and broader ratepayer interests at local, regional, state and federal government levels and with other relevant authorities.
  • To form and express views on matters related to and affecting Victorian ratepayers, including political and election issues, and in particular matters which may adversely impact Association members or the public interest more broadly.
  • To encourage and mentor the formation of localised community associations across Victoria who share the values and Purposes of the Association.
  • To promote the return of local government to local control.
  • To monitor and advocate for government and council decisions, actions, operations and performance to—
  1. Adhere to the principles of democracy, natural justice and equity for ratepayers; and
  2. Avoid self-interest; and
  3. Conform to highest standards of accountability, transparency, governance and service delivery, fiscal responsibility and asset protection; and
  4. Consistently prioritise ratepayer interests by minimising rate increases and applying best value principles to purchasing and budget spending; and
  5. Prioritise inclusiveness in decision-making by ensuring public access to, participation in and consultation upon government-related matters, information and processes is maximised.
  • To associate, collaborate and form mutually beneficial alliances with those whose philosophy and objectives are sympathetic to and compatible with the Association’s Purposes